
If you would like to make a one off donation, a recurring donation, make a bequest or encourage loved ones to make a donation ad memoriam you can do so using Paypal or, alternatively, contact us to arrange a fee free BACS transfer.

Choose your own fundraising event

Fundraising plays a vital role in Belisama’s continuing to change the lives of British veterans. In addition to regular fundraising events organised by Belisama’s many people take on their own personal fundraising challenge. Marathons and long distance walking trails are popular themes but the choice is yours. Do something to better yourself and help Belisama’s at the same time. If you have your own idea and would like to fundraise for us please get in touch. We will support you all the way.

Get in touch to discuss your idea

Belisama’s Cumbrian Patrol Challenge

We are planning a major fundraising event for 2022. The Cumbrian Patrol Challenge…

Delivered by British military veterans, the Cumbrian Patrol will test your physical endurance, self-sufficiency, mental agility and teamwork.

Yomping for 36 hours with a full pack on your back, in all weathers, improvising shelter, making fire and foraging for resources along the way may sound tough enough but as the scenario unfolds, the real challenge will be the unexpected and how your team pulls together.

Embroiled in a humanitarian crisis, your patrol finds itself isolated, unarmed and in hostile territory. Your one chance of survival lies in a cryptic message. Aided by friendly partisans, evade the enemy and escape to safety.

This is an opportunity to learn something about yourself and learn something from your team-mates. Things that will help you in everyday life. As professional soldiers, our staff have experienced for real the scenarios you will face and can teach you the skills and drills needed for success.

All proceeds from the event will go to help improving the well-being of British military veterans.

Contact us here for more information